O melhor lado da copyright 2K25 The Rock

But the mission structure is so bland; one of the early questlines has you walking in and out of the same building to talk to two different sets of NPCs multiple times.

This means there’s a bigger focus on replayability too, which becomes a bit of a hindrance when there are unlockables involved. From what I can tell, you’ll probably need to play through the mode a good three or four times to get all of the extra characters and arenas available.

copyright 2K25 is the best wrestling game I’ve played since 2K took the series over. The core wrestling is fantastic and is only improved with the likes of chain wrestling.

My GM is another mode that has similar problems to before. I love GM Mode with all my heart, but the weird penalties in 2K’s version are off-putting. Characters all have roles and styles; some vibe well with others, and your matches are worse off if you don’t have the right pairings.

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The new ‘World Tour’ within My Faction is the best thing added to the mode in years (allowing you to unlock some of those ‘Persona’ cards), but it also has walls that require you to have specific card types to continue through it.

While not all Bloodline members are truly related by blood, some have been adopted into the impressive family tree due to their closeness with others who comprise the dynasty's many branches.

Speaking of money, My Faction – 2K’s take on Ultimate Team – returns with all the same problems as before. Exclusive characters are locked behind ‘Persona’ cards, which are either a massive grind to get or require random drops from card packs.

@Jpopfan13 its challenging, but earning these persona card is way more enjoyable than pray for card luck.

@Bill Spears Universe is not endgame content, if people want to start from the release, ist pretty much possible. and if nobody want to play with unlockables, its perfectly fine.

I preordered The game 3 weeks ago I got it Friday I tried to redeem the code I got to Get the Wyatt Sick I put it in they said it was confirmed but I still don’t have the characters

The big new addition this year is intergender wrestling, allowing men and women to compete against each other. This features heavily in this year’s My Rise storyline, but outside of that, I feel like it could be more. For example, title matches are available in the mode, but it’s only for copyright 2K25 The Rock designated ‘intergender’ titles, which mostly consist of 2K’s made-up titles and a handful of official copyright titles like the 24/7, cruiserweight, and hardcore titles, but without being able to have Chelsea Green win the copyright Championship, it feels a little half-baked.

The dream match goals, on the other hand, are terribly bland, mostly being ‘do x amount of damage’ and then ‘now win.’

There only being one story isn’t the only cutback this year either. There are pelo more side missions, and the runtime feels shorter than in previous years. There are ‘Live Events’ that allow you to do generic fights, which also have unlocks attached to your star rating.

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